Specialist Motor Finance

Founded in 2014, Specialist Motor Finance is a company that was launched by the finance industry's top dogs. Their aim was to offer an enlightened product that could be adapted to the needs of car buyers. They selected the best of the best in terms of product, technology and distribution. The end result is a remarkably competent loan product that is both affordable and able to satisfy a range of car buying needs. They have also made the most of their limited resources by building a team of experts in a variety of fields.

They were able to do this by incorporating a sophisticated decision making model into their business. This model was able to incorporate a high-speed approach to distribution. It also incorporated a robust affordability checking system. This may be a first for the automotive finance industry. In addition, it may be a harbinger of the future for the lending industry as a whole.

Their flagship product is a high-tech car finance solution that is available in several forms. In their most basic form, they work with dealerships and borrowers to deliver a low-cost loan that can be arranged for a new or used car. In the longer term, their products may be able to provide customers with lower APR car finance and a more affordable payment plan.

A quick look at the company's website reveals that they have a few active directors and a few active employees. They are based in Solihull, West Midlands. The company is a subsidiary of IM Group, one of the world's largest providers of car finance. They have also received a funding injection of £110 million in a bid to spur growth. They have also recently introduced an alternative car hire purchase product into the UK market. These are just a few of the many reasons that they should be considered when seeking out a vehicle loan.

They might have started small, but they have grown and developed into a formidable competitor in the motor finance industry. They have a clear vision for the future, one that will include a focus on expanding their customer base and improving their service offerings. They are confident that their innovative products and services will be able to meet the demands of the ever-changing car purchasing market.

The company also boasts a robust suite of financial products including long-term general credit and intermediate credit. They have a strong track record for managing and implementing financial solutions that help a wide variety of customers. They have a strong focus on helping consumers make the most of their money and enabling them to achieve their own personal goals. In fact, the company has even managed to secure the accolade of being named the 'UK's Best Customer Service Provider'. They have done this by providing their staff with a happy and productive workplace.

Specialist Motor Finance Ltd Complaints

Getting a Specialist Motor Finance complaint resolved can be a hard task. The first thing you need to ask yourself is whether the company has done its job properly. If you have been forced into borrowing and not been asked for evidence of your finances, then it is possible that the company mis-sold you the loan. You can then make a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. The service is free to use and will help you resolve your complaint.

If the complaint is serious, it can take up to a year to resolve. This depends on the size of the complaint and the complexity of the case. If it is a simple car finance debt problem, it may only take fifteen days to settle. However, if you have been mis-sold a diesel, it can take months to resolve.

If you are thinking of making a Specialist Motor Finance complaint, you should find out whether the company was responsible in selling you the loan. You can do this by comparing your previous application forms with the current one. If there are any discrepancies, you can make a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman and the company will take action. It will flag any discrepancies and provide you with legal advice and support during the trial period. You can then decide if you want to pursue your complaint further.

When you have decided on your course of action, you will need to keep an eye on your account and make sure that you do not fall behind on your payments. You can also use a company like Redbridge Finance to handle your complaint. The company will guide you through every step of the process and will not charge you any fees. You can also record private notes about your case and track your correspondence with the company.

Specialist Motor Finance
Specialist Motor Finance