How to Make an Oodle Car Finance Complaint and Refund Claim

Buying a new car is a big commitment, and it is only natural to wonder if you got the best deal. There are a number of ways to make your case. You can start by raising a complaint to the company directly, or you can file a claim with the relevant regulatory body. There is also a free service called the Financial Ombudsman which can investigate your complaint. If you are still not satisfied with the results, you can take the complaint to the European Commission Online Dispute Resolution platform.

A review by the Financial Conduct Authority found that Oodle Car Finance was guilty of mis-selling vehicle finance. Aside from their standard sales process, the company also failed to provide borrowers with a slew of other car related perks. These include pre-approved car loans, which are a godsend for consumers looking to buy a car without having to take out a loan. The company also has a digital wallet called OodlePay, which allows consumers to secure car finance before they actually buy their new ride. The site has a 40 minute waiting time, which is longer than many customers are willing to wait.

The best way to settle a dispute with Oodle Cars is to use an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) scheme. An ADR scheme involves an independent body, which considers the facts of your case and recommends a remedy. The ombudsman can be quite demanding, so be prepared for a lengthy process before your claim is approved.

One of the easiest ways to do this is to find a car dealer with an ADR scheme. This will put you in touch with an impartial broker, who will present you with a number of options. This could include a range of interest rates, deposit amounts and repayment schedules. You could even end up with a personalised repayment schedule based on your credit rating and income. In some cases, the company may even be able to offer you a discount on your repayments.

As with any ADR scheme, your car may be repossessed if you aren't keeping up with your payments. The good news is that this can be avoided if you act proactively. The only caveat is that you may be liable for hefty fines if you don't comply. In any event, you should do the sensible thing and put a hold on your new wheels before the pawnshop starts calling.

The aforementioned Oodle Car Finance review has also highlighted a number of other car finance related complaints, including the lack of transparency regarding charges, poor customer service and the sale of mis-sold items. Aside from the bad news, the good news is that you have the option to recoup some of the money you lent to Oodle, in the form of a refund. The Financial Ombudsman is a useful resource when it comes to car finance, and you can contact them for further information. In the event of a dispute, the ombudsman may even recommend a reputable claims management firm such as Redbridge Finance to handle your claim for you.